With Arin Rungjang, Lee Kit, Pratchaya Phinthong, Maria Taniguchi, Rirkrit Tiravanija and Nguyen Trinh Thi
23.07.2016 — 10.09.2016With Arin Rungjang, Lee Kit, Pratchaya Phinthong, Maria Taniguchi, Rirkrit Tiravanija and Nguyen Trinh Thi
With Arin Rungjang, Lee Kit, Pratchaya Phinthong, Maria Taniguchi, Rirkrit Tiravanija and Nguyen Trinh Thi
23.07.2016 — 10.09.2016With Arin Rungjang, Lee Kit, Pratchaya Phinthong, Maria Taniguchi, Rirkrit Tiravanija and Nguyen Trinh Thi

photography by Dirk Verwoerd
West is honoured to welcome you at our temporary extra location — right in the center of the Hagues’s museum district — the city palace Huis Huguetan, formerly used by the Supreme Court of the Netherlands.
55 years ago, Marcel Duchamp predicted — in the context of the symposium Where do we go from here at the Philadelphia Museum of Art — that die Kunst am Rande einer Welt entstehen wird, die durch das ökonomische Feuerwerk geblendet ist.*
Meanwhile it seems that the ökonomische Feuerwerk transformed into a serious volcano eruption. And the german culture filosopher Peter Sloterdijk is convinced that we have to change significantly, if we want to be still alive over 100 year. In the context of those ideas, we see a bigger urge then ever, to not only present the established art canon, but especially the emerging art at the spot it deserves.
In the most beautiful salons, inside the most beautiful palaces, in the most beautiful avenues.
Huis Huguetan is part of ANNA@LV34. ANNA@LV34 is temporarily managed by Anna Vastgoed & Cultuur, a link in real estate that connects, facilitates and develops en executes creative concepts by managing real estate. Anna offers creative solutions for vacant properties.
Rijksvastgoedbedrijf is the owner of the property.
Huis Huguetan
Lange Voorhout 34
2514 EE Den Haag
google maps | route from West to Huis Huguetan
Wed — Sun: 12:00 — 18:00
This temporary location was developed in close cooperation with Anna Vastgoed en Cultuur and the Rijksgebouwendienst. We are especially excited about this new location because it allows us to give more visibility and a larger social relevance to our program.Huis Huguetan
Lange Voorhout 34
2514 EE Den Haag
google maps | route from West to Huis Huguetan
Wed — Sun: 12:00 — 18:00
55 years ago, Marcel Duchamp predicted — in the context of the symposium Where do we go from here at the Philadelphia Museum of Art — that die Kunst am Rande einer Welt entstehen wird, die durch das ökonomische Feuerwerk geblendet ist.*
Meanwhile it seems that the ökonomische Feuerwerk transformed into a serious volcano eruption. And the german culture filosopher Peter Sloterdijk is convinced that we have to change significantly, if we want to be still alive over 100 year. In the context of those ideas, we see a bigger urge then ever, to not only present the established art canon, but especially the emerging art at the spot it deserves.
In the most beautiful salons, inside the most beautiful palaces, in the most beautiful avenues.
Huis Huguetan is part of ANNA@LV34. ANNA@LV34 is temporarily managed by Anna Vastgoed & Cultuur, a link in real estate that connects, facilitates and develops en executes creative concepts by managing real estate. Anna offers creative solutions for vacant properties.
Rijksvastgoedbedrijf is the owner of the property.
* Die Schriften Duchamp Band I – Regenbogen-Verlag Zürich – 1981