Home & Away #7: The Plunge
West Den Haag & Scheveningen
Saturday 25 July, 14:00 - 18:00 H
Join Home & Away #7: The Plunge for a performance lecture by Australian composer Anthony Leigh Dunstan and an afternoon trip to the beach.
Whether we are at home, at the beach, or in the suburbs we are always affected and affecting our sonic environment. This sets to the tone of Home & Away #7: The Plunge, where together with Australian composter Anthony Leigh Dunstan, we dive into the sonic environment, ways of listening, how our bodies contribute to the sounds of the city and nature. Following Dunstan’s talk, we will take a walk to the beach where we listen to the natural environment through the sand between our toes, and the water in our ears as we take the plunge into the cool sea.
Anthony Leigh Dunstan is an Australian composer living and working in Amsterdam. Home & Away is a thematic program series brings together Dutch and international audiences with artists, composers, poets, translators, academics, and performers to think about what it is to be away, or stay at home. The program itself travels between its home at West Den Haag cities such as Sao Paulo, & Bangkok to extend question the notion of home and how this impacts on both art production and consumption.
Kindly email Eloise Sweetman: eloise@westdenhaag.nl for more information and RSVP. West Groenewegje 136, 2515 LR Den Haag, The Netherlands, +31 (0)70.3925359, www.westdenhaag.nl
West Den Haag & Scheveningen
Saturday 25 July, 14:00 - 18:00 H
Join Home & Away #7: The Plunge for a performance lecture by Australian composer Anthony Leigh Dunstan and an afternoon trip to the beach.
Whether we are at home, at the beach, or in the suburbs we are always affected and affecting our sonic environment. This sets to the tone of Home & Away #7: The Plunge, where together with Australian composter Anthony Leigh Dunstan, we dive into the sonic environment, ways of listening, how our bodies contribute to the sounds of the city and nature. Following Dunstan’s talk, we will take a walk to the beach where we listen to the natural environment through the sand between our toes, and the water in our ears as we take the plunge into the cool sea.
Anthony Leigh Dunstan is an Australian composer living and working in Amsterdam. Home & Away is a thematic program series brings together Dutch and international audiences with artists, composers, poets, translators, academics, and performers to think about what it is to be away, or stay at home. The program itself travels between its home at West Den Haag cities such as Sao Paulo, & Bangkok to extend question the notion of home and how this impacts on both art production and consumption.
Kindly email Eloise Sweetman: eloise@westdenhaag.nl for more information and RSVP. West Groenewegje 136, 2515 LR Den Haag, The Netherlands, +31 (0)70.3925359, www.westdenhaag.nl