Thuistezien 144 — 10.01.2021

Kunst en Crisis XIII
After an extensive conversation following an appropriate complaint, West has decided to remove this article. We would like to affirm that it was neither the intention of the author nor that of the editors to cause anyone harm. West rejects any form of violence. We would like to offer our sincere apologies to anyone who nevertheless experienced this article in this way. We will be happy to meet with anyone who would like to discuss this matter further in person.

For any further questions please get in contact with us personally at 070.392.53.59 or email to

Art and crisis — Thinking about art in times of corona
The arts are taking a break. Theatres, museums, concert halls and galleries are closed. To a large extent, the art that is so desperately needed right now is inaccessible. Imagine being quarantined at home without films, without books, without music.
Though we may not access the art, we can still think about it. The enforced rupture of this isolation can also be an opportune moment to reflect on and from, the arts. Every Sunday for the coming weeks we will feature new writing on the arts under quarantine. Today we have the first offering from the initiators of this series: Akiem Helmling and Christiaan Weijts.